Additional vintage package

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I present:

The Additional vintage package

But what it is like?
The Additional vintage package has the purpose of a few “holes” in the “vintage stock” to fill.

It is easy to add a few things that do not exist like that, but simply one or the other new.

The goal was to make more Smallholder vehicles, eg I’ve always been missing:
Combine a really small, like from the 50s.

What’s in the pack?:

“No Name” Tractor

This is an old classic car, geschätzes Year: 1930. It is based on the HSCS MEZ tractors, a reclining cylinder diesel engine.


Flywheel is animated speed depending

Cooling fan speed depending animated

Transmission pulley is animated speed depending

Cooling fan pulley is animated speed depending

Crank is faded out

Real Exhaust scripts

NTF 50

The NTF is a Fictional 50 tractor, modeled on the MAN tractor-50s he does with all-wheel drive and rear hydraulics a lot.


Engine vibrates while it is running, vibrates faster when the gas.

Cooler fan is animated, and rotates speed depending

Gimbal-wheel drive is animated, turns

Lower links of the steering is animated

Hydraulic cylinder for steering is animated (power steering)

Lighting V 3.1

-Idle script

Real Exhaust scripts

Allgaier & A 22 R 18

Here are the first real tractors. Allgaier & A 22 R 18 have a single cylinder diesel engine with evaporative cooling. They differ mainly by

that the A 22 has a hood and a little more power.


-Both the flywheel speed is dependent animated

Lighting V 3.1 in both

The A-22 can the door in the hood open to screw the “glow stalk” to run into the cylinder

Steering is fully animated in both

Real Exhaust scripts

Massey Ferguson 830 + cutting

Here is one of my favorites. What I miss in a long time LS is a REALLY small self-drive, and since the MF was 830 really fits ^ ^


Lighting V 3.1

Cutting unit starts slowly

Real Exhaust scripts

Old wagon

What I also looked for a long time was an age handcart to transport hay and straw. I built this to me then, wheels and front axle are made from slurry tankers

the free DLC.


-Works like a Wagon


– “3D Plane”

“Hydraulic Bottle”
This trailer serves three-point devices to attach to tractors which have only a low attacher, he (Optical) driven by a PTO, PTO with a joint is not absolutely necessary.


Equipment attachments from three-point


Special Features and Notes:

Note the animated engine of the NTF vibirert which Drehzahabhängig.

In addition, the complete animation of the pulleys of the No Name tractor.

I thank Ansomale for the release of material of the Allgaier.


NTF 50
3D Modell: Harvey, Giants, Ansomale, Jughaid, Kreters_Island, Hawk2.7, schlueterfan1977, EED123, Max1985, unbekannt
Texturen: Harvey, Giants, Ansomale, Jughaid, Kreters_Island, schlueterfan
Scripte: Giants, modelleicher, MR.X, Sven777b, unbekannt
Ingame, Bau u.s.w. : Harvey
Sounds: Eddie Vegas, Giants

Unknown Oldtimer
3D Modell: Harvey, andre seifert, Jughaid, Hawk2.7, Giants, unbekannt
Texturen: Harvey, Giants, Jughaid, unbekannt
Scripte: Giants, modelleicher, Sven777b, fendtfahrer(95)
Ingame, Bau u.s.w. : Harvey
Sounds: Youtube

Lizard 4040+200
3D Modell: Harvey, Giants, Jughaid, Hawk2.7, unbekannt
Texturen: Harvey, Giants, Jughaid,, unbekannt
Scripte: Giants, MR.X, modelleicher, Sven777b, unbekannt
Ingame, Bau u.s.w. : Harvey
Sounds: Giants,

3D Modell: Giants, Harvey
Texturen: Giants, Harvey
Scripte: Giants
Ingame, Bau u.s.w. : Harvey

Hydraulik Wagen
3D Modell: Harvey, Giants, andre Seifert
Texturen: Giants, Harvey
Scripte: Giants, modelleicher
Ingame, Bau u.s.w. : Harvey

Allgaier A 22 & R 18
3D Modell: Harvey, Giants, Ansomale, Jughaid, unbekannt
Texturen: Harvey, Giants, Ansomale, Jughaid, unbekannt
Scripte: Giants, modelleicher, Sven777b, fendtfahrer(95)
Ingame, Bau u.s.w. : Harvey
Sounds: Youtube

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