A decent sized autostacker bale trailer, finished in terms of car stacking but unfinished in terms of a normal bale trailer.
It takes bales of
BALETYP_BIG: Kuhn 1290iD sized bales (44)
BALETYP_ROUND: JD 864 180 Sized bales (26)
BALETYP_NORMAL: Claas quadrant 1200 sized bales (40)
BALETYP_SMALL: Mchale/Small/125 sized bales (48)
Noe due to the UBT script this mod is only single player not multiplayer.
Giants, Mattxjs (FS-UK AgentObsidian), Sotillo (Adrian FMC), Peter (Petorious), Sven777b, Bassaddict
jake spencer
can anyone please make this for ls 15
massey mad
I like this mod alot because you just drive and the bales come on the trailer
realism is key