Pedersker Farming Vassegaard

Pedersker Farming Vassegaard

Pedersker Farming Vassegaard

Pedersker Farming Vassegaard

Pedersker Farming Vassegaard

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Hello everybody!

I (asgermd) og my freind Frederik pressent our new map.
This a v2 of my old map vassegaard, but because we have added one more farm to the we have named it PederskerFarming_Vassegaardv2

New Features:

A cowfarm with all components (pasture, milkrobot, stable, silagestak, manuretank, manureheap..)
You can now buy cows and sell the milk youself or just let the milktruck do it.
You can now tip silage on the cowfarm, the means that your able silage your maize 🙂
New designed manure tanks.
Two working manure tanks(the one on the pig farm only works if you got “pig mod” installed) Link to pig mod:
The forestwalls now offers colision witch means that you can’t drive out of the map 😉
The map in esc-menu is now working(there is still a probelm with the PDA-map sorry):)

I hope that you will have a great time with our map 🙂


-Asgermd and Frederikvh

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