Silo textures

Silo textures

Silo textures

Moin love farmers ,

Here I even think about trying me to verveinern the textures of the silage silos a bit ( not changed) .

This is not for everyone , and I do not compel these textures to dl , but I hope the geschmacht of the meeting or other user ! 🙂

The zip folder must be unzipped , where you then have a subfolder . Whom you open and there you have the 2 dds texture files that you can her insertion into a Mod Map! (And so the map is no longer capable MP , unless all who want to gamble with which you also replace these textures ! )

Important: ! Puts you to the safety of a backup , but fals etws goes wrong!


Grundtexturen: GIANTS Software
Texturentuning: Modding-Crew LURR

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